Monday, September 20, 2010

Rocky Mountain Soap Lip Butter

So sorry I haven't updated this blog in such a long time! But I'm back at it with a review on the Rocky Mountain Soap Company Lip Butter! I own the flavour Summer Lemonade:

This lip balm is made from all natural ingredients, which are listed on the official webpage. I love the scent, as it is quite lemony and very delicious!

The packaging is simple and clean. I have had problems, however, with the cap coming off in my purse. I usually carry these in a plastic bag or in a smaller pocket of my purse.

This is a great lip butter, as it moisturizes my lips quite well and lasts for a considerable amount of time. Since the consistency is rather waxy, it doesn't glide onto my lips smoothly. Rather, I have to run it over my lips back and forth till it softens up. However, that is really the only detractor. I recommend trying out all the flavours of this lip butter!.

Also comes in: Green Apple, Peppermint, Berry, Apricot, and Coconut.


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